
What is server-side rendering for web development?

The phrase "server-side rendering" essentially means the vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript to be run by the browser is generated on the server rather than on the client. Server-side frameworks inherently support server-side rendering as you might suspect. This is also becoming more popular for front-end frameworks as well. Damola Omotosho (@damolaomotosho) walks us through the core concepts, and what it means for your development and choice of framework.

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Publish an Angular, React, Svelte, or Vue JavaScript app with Azure Static Web Apps: https://aka.ms/WebWeds/AngularTemplatesDeploy Build a web app with Blazor: https://aka.ms/WebWeds/AngularBlazor Publish an API to Azure Static Web Apps: https://aka.ms/WebWeds/AngularAddFunctionsAPI
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