
Web Design and Development Fundamentals | Lecture 1

#WebDesignCourse #WebDesignAndDevelopment #WebdesignFundamentals

Web design is the visual aesthetics and page layout of a website. It goes hand-in-hand with web development in the creation of a static website or dynamic web application.

This Web Design and Development Fundamentals course will introduce you to the various vital concepts and website components that you need to understand before designing and developing your website

The Fundamental Concepts of Good Web Development and Web Design is to understand your users: the people who will actually be using and interacting with your website. What are they looking for? What are their objectives? Your offering must have user experience central to the process.

Read More: https://www.learnerscoach.co.ke/the-fundamental-concepts-of-good-web-development-and-web-design/
Web design
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