
Ultimate Terminal Setup for Web Developers

Let's get real, we all want an awesome looking terminal. In this video we are going to take the dull and boring terminal that comes as default on your computer and make it awesome.

This video is mainly specific to Mac users but the concepts apply just as well to Windows, you'll just need to use a different terminal app.

This video is available as a blog post: https://allthecode.co/blog/post/ultimate-web-developer-developer-terminal

Links for this video:
⭐️ iTerm2 for Mac https://iterm2.com/
⭐️ Hyper for Mac and Windows https://hyper.is/
⭐️ Tabby for Mac and Windows https://tabby.sh/
⭐️ Oh My Zsh https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh
⭐️ Oh My Zsh plugins https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Plugins
⭐️ Spaceship theme https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt
⭐️ Powerline fonts https://github.com/powerline/fonts

Oh My Zsh Plugins I use and what they do:
⭐️ git: handy git details right in your command prompt
⭐️ copypath: simply type copypath and the current working directory is not in your clipboard
⭐️ dirhistory: use alt + up and alt + down to navigate your directory structure
⭐️ macos: handy Mac specific utilities
⭐️ sudo: run a command that needs sudo at the start and you didn't add it, hit esc twice and now you do, along with the command you tried to run
⭐️ common-alias: does what it says on the tin
⭐️ gitignore: no more searching online for .gitignore templates, type gi list to see all that are available
⭐️ history: type h to see your command history

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