
SerenityOS update (August 2022)

Subscribe to @Linus Groh and @Systems with JT for more awesome videos!

Videos mentioned by Linus:
"How I work on SerenityOS' LibJS": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq_OrTlb158
"Cosmo Hacking: Fixing Compilation + Lovely LibJS Changes" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ_S4FjhCR4

Outro music by @Katalin Kult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW8VAOQpkIc
Outro images by DALL-E ("synthwave ladybug") :^)

Come chat with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/serenityos

Get the source!
SerenityOS: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity
Jakt: https://github.com/SerenityOS/jakt
Ladybird: https://github.com/awesomekling/ladybird

Sponsor a SerenityOS developer!
Andreas Kling: https://github.com/sponsors/awesomekling
Linus Groh: https://github.com/sponsors/linusg
Sam Atkins: https://github.com/sponsors/AtkinsSJ
Gegga Thor: https://github.com/sponsors/xexxa
JT: https://github.com/sponsors/jntrnr

Andreas Kling links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/awesomekling
GitHub Sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/awesomekling
Patreon: https://patreon.com/serenityos
PayPal: https://paypal.me/awesomekling

Linus Groh links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/linusgroh
YouTube: https://youtube.com/linusgroh
GitHub Sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/linusg
Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/linusg
PayPal: https://paypal.me/linusgroh

JT links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jntrnr
GitHub Sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/jntrnr
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jntrnr

Timestamps by Damikiller37:

00:00 Intro: Well, Hello Friends :^)
00:44 Jakt: 'is' keyword improvements.
02:28 Jakt: 'guard' and 'is' interaction.
05:13 Jakt: Array Slicing.
06:13 Jakt: Compile Time Functions.
09:42 Jakt: Inheritance / Inherited Hierarchy and Polymorphism / Class-based Polymorphism.
11:31 Display Settings: Added Effects Tab for Animation and Appearance options.
12:25 File Manager: Collapsible toolbars when items don't fit.
13:08 Workspace Picker: Added Context Menu for Workspace Settings + visual improvement.
13:32 Text Editor: Improvements to the Vim mode; visual line mode.
14:15 Pixel Paint: Selections now part of the Undo/Redo Stack + New Wand Select Tool.
15:21 Pixel Paint: Layer Creation is now also undoable.
15:46 Pixel Paint: Implemented Crop Image to Content + Layer rotations.
16:38 Pixel Paint: New Median filter.
17:02 Pixel Paint: New Menu icons.
17:49 File Manager: New Context Menu item for setting a Wallpaper.
17:16 File Manager: Breadcrumb Bar can now be traversed with hotkeys.
18:45 Emoji: Implemented a lot of new Emoji.
21:36 Settings: New Games Settings app.
22:59 User Account: Multi User Support.
24:10 Keyboard: New Keymap for the Czech Language.
24:41 Kernel: Multi-Core / SMP Stability.
26:30 Kernel: AArch64 (ARM64) Port and USB Infrastructure improvements.
27:07 Web Browser: Implemented CSS Gradients.
28:30 Web Browser: Implemented Canvas Path2D.
29:41 Web Browser: Rudimentary implementation of CSS Grid.
30:47 Web Browser: Implemented CSS Clip property.
31:21 Web Browser: Added ability to invoke the browser with 2 or more URLs.
31:36 LibJS: Test262 score update.
32:25 LibJS: Implemented the Rope String optimisation.
34:24 LibJS: Implemented NaN Boxing + General improvements.
36:59 LibJS: Refactor of Global Objects and Realms.
39:00 LibJS: Specification updates.
39:25 LibJS: Implemented the 'super()' call in the ByteCode Interpreter.
39:52 YouTube: 2 new videos related to LibJS.
40:39 Outro: Social Shoutouts, Acknowledgements and Sponsor/Donation options. Well, Goodbye Friends :^(
41:51 Secret: ???
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