
Scalable APIs in 2021: trends, schemas, tooling - Ismael Velasco - PHPSW: Scalable APIs, June 2021

'Scalable APIs in 2021: trends, schemas, tooling', presented by Ismael Velasco at the PHPSW 'Scalable APIs' virtual meetup in June 2021.

This talk will review design principles of scalable APIS, the role and range of API schemas, the shift to API First approaches and the emergence of API development environments and adjacent tooling for API design, testing, observability and discoverability.

Talk information: https://phpsw.uk/talks/scalable-apis-in-2021-trends-schemas-tooling
Joind.in: https://joind.in/event/phpsw-scalable-apis-june-2021/scalable-apis-in-2021-trends-schemas-tooling
More Scalable API talks: https://phpsw.uk/events/2021-06-scalable-apis-online
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