
REST style E-Commerce Website with JavaScript & PHP | no frameworks or libraries | part VIII

Database Based Shopping Cart Implementation for registered users
In this playlist we will journey together to build a complete e-commerce website and will learn following professionally sought after skills:
1. REST API based .
2. SPA: Single Page Application for faster loading.
3. Code separation between frontend & backend.
4. Frontend & backend as two separate websites that communicate over FETCH API
5. Understand and handle CORS (Cross-Site-Resource-Sharing) related issues..
6. Frontend implementation in JS, backend implementation in PHP.
7. No Frameworks or libraries; able to code and develop without any framework crutches.
And much more...

Playlist link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT57LLGYvsrVMhDFLwiGlREvoMxN_dAiU
#jsproject , #phpproject, #ecommerc, #ecommercewebsite, #HTMLcssJS, #HTML-CSS-JS-Php,
#SinglePageApplication, #SPA, #RESTapiBasedWebsite, #RESTapiBasedEcommerceWebsite, #facade, #FacadeDesignPattern
#php, #CORS, #fetch, #FetchApi, #REST
Web design
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