
Real-Time Live Speech-to-Text | Streaming ASR Gradio App with Hugging Face Tutorial

In this Applied NLP Tutorial, We'll learn how to build a Real-Time Automatic Speech Recognition powered by Facebooks Wav2Vec2 Deep Learning Model.

We'll learn to use Hugging Face Transformers Pipeline for Audio (Speech) to Text and Gradio for the Python Web app for live audio transcription.

Colab Notebook - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1D38wbK6v65V2BndsvhEms882BgzK1aMQ?usp=sharing

Deploying Gradio ML App on Hugging Face Spaces - https://youtu.be/dzS97S698H0

Gradio's detailed blogpost on Real-Time Speech Recognition - https://gradio.app/real_time_speech_recognition/
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