
ReactJS Introductory course for beginners [The Tutorial from the ReactJS official Website] #reactjs

Hello and welcome to the ReactJS introductory course for beginners, in this course we will learn ReactJS by building a tic tac toe game.
This course is built on the tutorial from the ReactJS official website, in which they recommend starting your journey as a beginner in react by studying this tutorial. What I am going to do is to follow along with this tutorial and teach everything in detail.
So, make sure to stick around to be able to get a decent grasp of how React works.

Link For The ReactJS Official Website

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:01 What Is ReactJS ?
00:04:19 The 3 Most Important Concepts In ReactJS
00:08:32 Installing React and Setting up our Environment
00:18:23 Installing React Dev Tools
00:19:37 Writing The Components For The Game
00:29:00 Passing Data Through PROPS
00:33:26 Making an Interactive Component
00:40:50 Lifting The State UP
00:54:12 Immutability VS NON-Immutability
00:57:54 Why Immutability is Important
01:00:14 Function Components
01:02:06 Taking Turns
01:06:29 Declaring A Winner
01:14:07 Adding A Time Travel Feature(Storing History Of Moves)
01:16:47 Lifting The State UP Again
01:27:04 Showing Past Moves
01:34:05 Picking A Key
01:43:13 Thank You
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