
React JS Project 1 Food Ordering Web Application Material UI, React Router, CSS

React Development Masterclass: Build 30 Powerful Projects is a React Development framework project-based training course published by Youtube. React is one of the most important and in-demand website development frameworks, accounting for more than 50% of the market. In this training course, you will get acquainted with very important technologies such as sockets, REST API, Firebase, React Hooks, Bootstrap, etc. React is a component-oriented framework. Components are actually reusable elements that can be used indefinitely on web pages. Just write a component once and then use it in different parts of the website.

* What you will learn in React Development Masterclass: Build 30 Powerful Projects

1. Build interactive and powerful web applications with React framework
2. Deep familiarity with the work process and the elements of the React framework
3. Initial installation of React with all its extensions such as Babel and Webpack
4. Manage files and various parts of a project using package-based architecture
5. Routing and switching between different components using the React Router feature

*Projects that developed in this course

React Project-1: Food Ordering Web Application - React.Js, Material-Ui, React Router, CSS
React Project-2: Weather Web Application Using Api - React.Js, Open Weather API, CSS
React Project-3: Food Recipe Application - React.Js, Edamam API, Firebase For Hosting, CSS
React Project-4: Expense Tracker Application - React.Js, Context API, CSS
React Project-5: Colour Generator Application - React.Js, Values.Js, React-Hooks, CSS
React Project-6: My Cart Application - React.Js, React-Hooks, External API, CSS
React Project-7: Cafe Menu Application - React.Js, React-Hooks, Firebase, CSS
React Project-8: Cocktail Hub Web Application - React.Js, React-Hooks, External API, Context API, CSS
React Project-9: Notes - Google Keep Clone - React.Js, Material-Ui, Css For Styling
React Project-10: Review Posting Application - React.Js, Material-Ui, Css, Nanoid
React Project-11: Pomodoro Application - React.Js, React Countdown Timer Npm Package, CSS
React Project-12: Google Search Application Using Api - React.Js, Tailwind CSS, Google Search API, React Router Dom, React Player--
React Project-13: E-Commerce (Amazon Clone) - React, React-Context-API, Firebase
React Project-14: Chat Application - React, React Chatengine, Socket, Rest Apis
React Project-15: Movies Application (Ott) - React, OMDB Api, React Hooks, Bootstrap
React Project-16: Video Sharing Website - React, Youtube API, Material-Ui, Axios
React Project-17: Todolist Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management
React Project-18: Blog Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, News API
React Project-19: Social Networking Website - Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Google Oauth, Security And Authentication
React Project-20: Resume Website (Portfolio) - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management--
React Project-21: Random Person App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3
React Project-22: A Birth Date Reminder App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3
React Project-23: Tours Project Made With Reactjs - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3
React Project-24: An Emoji Search Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3
React Project-25: An Expense Tracker Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3, React Context
React Project-26: A Color Generators App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3
React Project-27: A Breaking Bad Character Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss, React Context
React Project-28: A Random Quote Generator Application Made With React And Deployed On Heroku
React Project-29: A Password Generator Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, CSS
React Project-30: A Quiz App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss

React was released by Facebook's web development team in 2013 as a view library. React is one of the best choices for building modern web applications. React has a slim API, a robust and evolving ecosystem, and a great community. In this course, we will be learning React by creating various projects. If you want to learn more than just the same old tutorial and instead create interesting projects using React.js this course is for you.

React is having very high demand in the market. One of the topmost searched subjects on stack overflow. Most high-performance apps are created using react. If you want to stand apart from reacting, for sure you need to get familiar with react.

Also, if you are looking to move in react-native app development, that path goes with react js. Once you are familiar with concepts like JSX, props, and states; the same concepts are applied in react native too. And moving into react-native would be just a piece of cake.
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