
Portfolio Website HTML CSS And JavaScript | Responsive And Mobile First - part 3

Are you looking for a responsive portfolio website design? In this video, I'll show you how to create a responsive portfolio website using HTML CSS and JavaScript.

With this basic HTML CSS and JavaScript knowledge, you'll be able to create a responsive portfolio website that looks great on any device. Plus, this free portfolio website is easy to customize so you can create a website that reflects your unique style and personality. We will make a web developer portfolio step by step.

the main feature of this website are:
✔ responsive Header.
✔ responsive Container.
✔ responsive Hero Section
✔ responsive Resume Section using grid.
✔ responsive Work Section using grid.
✔ responsive Blog Section .
✔ responsive Contact us form Section with map.
✔ Circular Progress Bar.
✔ Progress Bar.
✔ scrollspy.
✔ Beautifull transition and aniation.
✔ javascript typewriter effect.

Full Code And Images:

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