
Part#3 - Make a Responsive Portfolio Website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

This video is part of the series where we'll create a responsive portfolio website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This is part three of the series and in this part we'll take care of the about page. In other parts we'll take care of other certain things.
There'll be more of these videos in this channel so if you're interested make sure to stick to the end and don't forget to like, subscribe and turn on bell notification.

Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rgfBWLJ7cI&list=PLItKm4cf5DNxijUenY5NJZ4lBqYAIww8E
Source Code - Github: ( Source Code will be provided to the last part of the series )
Subscribe For More: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWS-AiirxpTDq_AGSg9Fhg

===| Chapter |===
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - HTML Structure
02:00 - CSS Stylings
06:05 - Outro
Web design
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