
Introduction to Unit Testing - learn Web Development

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Introduction to Unit Testing - learn Web Development
Best Web Development Course
Unit tests and test-driven-development exist to help us manage expectations of our functionality.
Course Goal: Learn the basis of unit testing and test driven development,Test Driven Development,Unit Testing with Jasmine
Introduction to HTML,Introduction to JavaScript Development,Intermediate JavaScript Development,Testing and debugging are places where developers spend a lot of their time. Code doesn’t always perform as expected and, with complex applications, it’s very easy to break code with minor changes. Unit tests and test-driven-development exist to help us manage expectations of our functionality and to ensure that other developers working on our code are aware when a change they made affects already existing functionality. This is very important when working on large projects with many collaborators as well as small projects with few developers.,We’ll be pre-writing tests in code that we can run whenever we make updates to our application. This will ensure that no new logic breaks old logic, and that we are certain that our programs are executing properly when given different inputs.,Course Includes:,What You'll Learn:,Anyone who wants to become familiar with unit testing and test driven development conceptsIntermediate JavaScript DevelopersAdvanced JavaScript Developers,Anyone who wants to become familiar with unit testing and test driven development concepts,Intermediate JavaScript Developers,Advanced JavaScript Developers
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