
Introduction to Graphic Design [ග්‍රැෆික් නිර්මාණකරණය] - Day 03 | Free Online Courses

In this video, you're going to learn the basics of graphic design and how to get started with Photoshop

Lecturer - Asiri Mahesh

With the economic crisis we are facing today, we at Ceylon School of Game Design are trying to train 1000 fresh freelancers who can bring dollars to the country.

Bellow courses are available for free for a period of 3 months and are available to anyone who wishes. 07 - 13 School students, dropouts, and university students are special.

1. Information Technology Foundation Course
2. Introduction to Graphic Design
3. Spoken English
4. Introduction to Web Design & Development
5. Introduction to Game Development
6. Motivation & Counseling

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