
Intel Evo – The Verification: Intel Chip Chat ep. 715

This is the third episode in our three-part series on Intel Evo. Our guest is Sudha Ganesh, VP of Client Platform Experience at Intel, who for the past few years has devoted her time to redefining the metrics for PCs that deliver exceptional experiences to users.

To find the previous episodes in the series, video versions are on the Intel Technology YouTube channel, and the audio versions are found wherever you get your podcasts.

Check out some of the Intel Evo laptops for Holiday 2021 at: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/docs/devices-systems/laptops/laptop-innovation-program/evo-laptops-for-holiday-2021.html

Learn more about Intel Evo at: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/systems-devices/laptops/evo.html

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