
I'm Finally Learning Web Development

Learning Web Development was one of the first things I said I was going to do on this channel. My very first video seems to have aged poorly because it's taken me almost a year to actually start learning any Web Development.

There are so many different routes you can take to learn Web Development and here I talk about the path I have chosen to go down by taking a Web Dev course on Udemy by Colt Steele. I do mention other ways you can learn like The Odin Project, Code Academy and by looking for YouTube tutorials on Web Development.

There is a very good reason for me wanting to learn to code and that is to build a platform to help video game developers and app developers collaborate. I have been sitting on an idea for a few years now and it's time I get around to making it a reality!

0:00 - Doing What I Said I Would
0:41 - Why I'm Learning Web Development
1:51 - How I'm Learning Web Development
4:39 - Potential Future Courses

Ali Abdaal MADE Me Do This!: https://youtu.be/_u2nEevjKRE
I Don't Know What To Do...: https://youtu.be/HyxiVKWKlEo
The Odin Project: https://www.theodinproject.com/
Code Academy: https://www.codecademy.com/catalog/language/html-css
How I Learned to Code in 4 MONTHS & Got a Job Offer (no CS Degree): https://youtu.be/-VDXBHLU8q4
Harvard CS50: https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science?delta=0

Web design
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