
How to Setup Auto Refresh Browser in VSCODE | Visual Studio Code Auto Reload 2022

How to setup auto refresh browser in vscode | visual studio code auto reload 2022
In this video, I show you how to setup auto refresh browser in vscode and visual studio code auto reload 2022. This extension allows us to edit code and see changes live in our browser without having to refresh or manually reload the page! This is perfect for quick edits that don't require a full browser refresh. It also saves time by not requiring manual refreshes or waiting on long build times!

What is auto refresh VS code?
How do I enable auto-reload in VSCode?
How do you enable live reload in VS code?
How do I use VSCode browser sync?

In this YouTube video, I show you how to use the VSCode Live Server Extension, which will allow you to see changes as they happen without having to reload your browser! Along with that, we also explore some of the other nifty features in Visual Studio Code.

In this video, I'll show you, how can you use the VSCode Live Server Extension. This extension will automatically reload your code when you make a change and refresh your browser without having to do anything!

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