
How to make responsive website using html css and javascript from scratch - Portfolio Website 2022

Learn how to create a complete responsive portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and javascript.
This is a step-by-step beginner web design project tutorial on how to make complete responsive website design using html5 css3 js.

This web design tutorial is beginner friendly and also it will help for those who want to learn something new professionally.

After Watching this video You will be able to create any type of website and also you will learn how to organise your code in a professional way.

Source Code, Assets : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IOCCUu4I0DRSPwFKkWSZ1maH-1lvYAzJ/view?usp=sharing

This complete web design tutorial will teach you how to make a responsive multipage website from scratch.
This website will have a Nav Section, Header Section with Type script Animation, About Section, Service Section, Skills Section with Progressbar, Portfolio Section, Courses Section, Footer Section.

1. Responsive navbar with an animated menu toggle.
2. Responsive About section.
3. Responsive skills section (animated Progress bar).
4. Responsive Services section.
5. Responsive courses section.
6. Responsive frequently asked questions section.
7. Responsive footer section.

#responsive_web_design #web_design #portfolio_website

By - Sahadat Husain
✅ Website - https://devsahadat.com
✅ Email - [email protected]
✅ Phone - 01738309749
Web design
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