
How Much I Got Paid for My First Web Design Project

In this video, I want to share how much money I got paid after completing a web design job that I got less than a week after I became a freelancer
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Some things I learnt
- Charge by the hour: This is something I now always do when working on a project. It ensures that both the client and designer are happy with the work that's been done.

- Set expectations: Make sure both you and the client know what's expected of each other from the start of the project. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings down the road.

- Get paid upfront: This is another rule I now live by! It's always good to have some money in the bank before starting a new project. It maybe half to help you along with any expenses you may encounter

So, how much did you get paid for your first web design project? Let's just say it was enough to make me feel pretty good about myself with the experience I obtained!

Would I do it again? Absolutely! In fact, I'm looking forward to working on my next project. Web design can be a lot of fun, and it's great to see the finished product come together.
Web design
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