
Hello World - Let's talk about .NET and .NET Conf

Join Frank Boucher and Jeff Fritz to hear all things .Net 6 and .Net Conf.

Why/ How use .NET today

.NET 6 has reached release candidate 2 (RC2) status this week and is the fastest .NET available, with rich support for developing applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Let’s look at how to get a FREE copy of the .NET software development kit (SDK) and tools to help get you started regardless of the operating system you are on.

You can reach out to Jeff Fritz on twitter.com/csharpfritz and linkedin.com/in/jeffreytfritz

- Download the .NET SDK at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download?WT.mc_id=helloworld-17228-cxa
- Install the C# extension for Visual Studio Code directly from the app or from https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp&WT.mc_id=helloworld-17228-cxa
- Try Visual Studio 2022 Preview 5 : https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/preview/?WT.mc_id=helloworld-17228-cxa

The new minimal approach

Object oriented programming typically means a lot of ceremony to configure and launch an application. Starting with .NET 6, we are introducing a simpler way to start our applications with top-level statements, global using statements, and minimal APIs for web applications. Let’s talk about this new approach, and how we can get directly into writing our business processes and applications without all of the startup ceremony found in earlier .NET applications

You can reach out to Jeff Fritz on twitter.com/csharpfritz and linkedin.com/in/jeffreytfritz

- Try out the new minimal templates in .NET 6 and write your first web API in just a few lines of code
- Read more about it on those great blog post:
. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/aspnet/asp-net-core-updates-in-net-6-preview-4/?WT.mc_id=helloworld-17228-cxa
. https://www.hanselman.com/blog/exploring-a-minimal-web-api-with-aspnet-core-6

.NET Blazor perfect for SPA and so much more

With .NET 6, Blazor takes another step forward with improved performance and a better development experience for web developers. Let’s discuss the updates for Blazor Web Assembly and Blazor Server applications.

You can reach out to Jeff Fritz on twitter.com/csharpfritz and linkedin.com/in/jeffreytfritz

- Try the Blazor Learn modules: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/build-blazor-webassembly-visual-studio-code/?WT.mc_id=helloworld-17228-cxa
- Keep an eye open
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