
From music to UIUX Web Design with Julie Forbes

After 10 years as a music teacher Julie has ventured into a new career as a UI/UX Designer. Seeing the impact that technology has on improving the quality of our everyday lives, Julie decided to undergo a career change in order to be a part of creating user-friendly digital products. While still having a passion for music she continues to play piano as a personal means of self-expression and enjoyment. As an avid reader she is always on the lookout for new books that foster her ongoing personal and professional development.

Book Recommendations

"Please Understand Me 2 - Temperament Character Intelligence" by David Keirsey

"Belonging - the Paradox of Citizenship" by Adrienne Clarkson

"What Color is Your Parachute - Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success" by Richard N. Boles

What is UI Design? What is UX Design?


Contact Info

LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/julie-forbes-ux-ui

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