
Fresh JS is worth checking out

A first look at Fresh JS.

00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Project Setup
01:20 - Project Structure
02:20 - Dependencies, Fetch calls and Database
02:55 - Components, JSX & Preact
03:35 - Routing
03:50 - Tailwind
04:10 - Handlers
05:15 - Islands
06:25 - Handling POST calls
07:25 - Nested routes
08:20 - Deno Deploy

The "First Impressions" series:
- Solid JS - https://youtu.be/MgC-ESbahR0
- Svelte - https://youtu.be/Gwaz3MFKFOY

Other links:
- Fresh - https://fresh.deno.dev/
- The Movie Database - https://www.themoviedb.org/
- Github Project - https://github.com/awesome-club/awesome-fresh
- Ryan Dahl's talk - https://youtu.be/3NR9Spj0DmQ
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