
Environmental sustainability and culture - Iphigenia Taxopoulou

International climate agreements and sustainable development policy frameworks are developing targets and pathways to meet global net zero carbon and nature restoration. The cultural and creative industries can and should contribute towards a more sustainable future, mobilising change and action on climate. How can cultural policy expedite this transition and help the CCIs harness the opportunities of the Green Recovery?

Keynote lecture by Iphigenia Taxopoulou, founding member and General Secretary of the European theatre network mitos21 & Associate of Julie’s Bicycle, UK at the 4th Summer Academy on Cultural and Creative Industries and Local Development, organised in digital format on 27-30 Sept. 2021 by the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development in collaboration with tsm - Trentino School of Management (Italy), the European Creative Business Network (ECBN) and Irecoop Alto Adige Sűdtirol (Italy) with the support of the Department for Cultural Activities of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy) and the Department of Italian culture (Youth Policies Unit) – Autonomous Province of Bolzano (Italy).

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