
Design System 101: Explained in Bangla | Design Discussion

Hello Design People,
In today's video, I showed & discussed one of the most anticipated topics! "Design System". Here I talked in detail about the concepts and applications.
#design #uidesign #productdesign #figma

Content of this video:
00:00 - Intro
01:15 - What is a Design System?
01:50 - Do we need a Design System?
03:09 - Companies Using Design System
03:51 - The Benefits of Using a Design System
08:57 - How to Build a Design System
15:07 - Design System Handoff

Resources to Learn:
Slide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qMQfAAwleWG_10Mm0BgQ1U0drQrAoR6I/view?usp=sharing

Material Design System: https://material.io
Apple Human Interface Guidelines: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/guidelines/overview/
Fluent Design System: https://www.microsoft.com/design/fluent/
Atlassian Design System: https://atlassian.design
Uber Design System: https://baseweb.design
Shopify Design System: https://polaris.shopify.com

Storybook: https://storybook.js.org
Zeroheight: https://zeroheight.com

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