
Creating First HTML Page| Part 1| Introduction to HTML | Web Designing Full Course in Hindi/Urdu

➢Table of content :
01:00 - How web works
03:15 - What is HTML
04:02 - Anatomy of HTML elements
06:12 - Anatomy of HTML document
08:38 - Create your first web page using Visual Studio

➢Download Visual Studio Code

Nowadays people are earning so much money from freelancing platforms like fiverr, upworks and many more. To earn money you will need a skill to learn. Web designing and development is the best skill to learn for the purpose of freelancing.

In this free course of web designing fro beginners i will start from the very basic level so that all those who does not know any thing will take the benefits from these web designing full course.

The pathway to learn web designing starts from the basic understanding of HTML as HTML is the structure of the web, then we will start learning CSS and then we will move towards JavaScript.

➢The Main Points That We Will Cover In This Video are :
1 - How web works?
2 - What is client and server?
3 - Anatomy of HTML elements
4- Attributes in HTML
5- Nesting tags
6 - Anatomy of HTML document
7- Using Visual Studio Code
8- Creating first project in Visual Studio Code
9- Create your first web page using Visual Studio
Web design
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