
Animated Progress Bar using HTML CSS & JavaScript | with Source Code | Web Development

Hello web developers!
The video shows the preview of an animated progress bar using HTML CSS & JavaScript. It is designed using svg. The number (percentage) inside the circle and the foreground circle get animated when you click the button. I have set the animation duration to 1 second in the JS file.

There are 3 files. HTML, CSS, and the JavaScript (JS). HTML contains the div elements for the circles. There are two circles, foreground and background circle. I have added the animation to the foreground circle. The background circle stays the same. The number gets animated using the setIntervel() method in JS. Please note that it is getting delayed in the Firefox browser.

In the CSS, I have added the styles to the elements. In the Js file, there is a button click function. It animates the circle and the number whenever you click on it.

The formulas for svg's width, height, radius, stroke-dasharray, and stroke-dashoffset are given in the comments. The progress bar is useful for your next web development project.

Source Code: https://www.semicolonspace.com/2022/04/animated-circular-progress-bar.html

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