
Android Study Jams 2021 Introductory Session

Android Study Jams are a series of study groups, workshops, or sessions organized and facilitated by a GDSC campus for their students to kick start their learning on Modern Android Application Development using Kotlin. Students will learn how to develop their very own beautiful & functional Android apps.

Time period: 29th November to 10th January

You'll be learning:
☑️ Kotlin basics
☑️ Android Layouts
☑️ Navigations
☑️ Connect to the internet
☑️ Data persistence
☑️ Work-Manager

On completion, you will get a Certificate of completion.


►WEBSITE: https://gdscaiktc.netlify.app/


►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gdsc_aiktc

►YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0_S3AGWC8Okl3F8LfCEvw

►LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dsc-aiktc/

►GitHub: https://github.com/DSC-Aiktc

►DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/XTguXrKWU9
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