
Android Studio Demo | PHP MySQL CRUD Operation with Image Displaying data in Android Recyclerview

PHP MySQL CRUD Operation with Image Displaying data in Android Recyclerview

We have already seen in PHP MySQL full crud operation and displayed data in android recyclerview.

We have seen many crud operations like recyclerview crude operation, listview crud operation, gridview crud operation and many more SQLite databases and PHP MySQL databases.

This is shorts, we see a demo that has been done with the first 7 parts.
first part is insert data in mysql database https://youtu.be/qOBzLSODEDE
second part is fetch data from mysql database https://youtu.be/x7QtXhu9uQI
third part is update data in mysql database https://youtu.be/VALamcak4kY
fourth part is delete data in mysql database https://youtu.be/qGNcmUQ2Cqg
fifth is php to json encode https://youtu.be/t4vcwpFS7aw
sixth part is show data in android recyclerview https://youtu.be/mlebrMJdiQ4
and final seventh part is update/delete image in folder/direcotry https://youtu.be/5Ugm7yd3i4A

This is a demo on a real physical device. This Android demo shows you how your app runs on your Android device. to watch the full video

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