
7 Things Web Designers Forget To Charge For

Solution First Web Agency: Get more leads at higher prices.

It's easy to overlook some of the things you should be charging for as you build your web agency - especially if you have been focusing on web design freelancing.

If you want to build a web design or digital marketing agency - even if you're starting on your own - it is important to think through what your costs are. Here are the seven most commonly overlooked costs that most web designers forget to charge for when pricing their projects.

00:00 - Pricing Web Agency Projects
00:33 - Project Management
01:07 - Managing Your Team
01:38 - Web Design Tools
02:04 - Office & Overhead
02:55 - Education
03:46 - Marketing
04:58 - Profit
05:59 - Getting Leads
Web design
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