
3D Website Thumbnail | Blender for UI UX | Tutorial | 3D Web Development Without Three.js


Tutorial on how to design a 3D portfolio website using Blender and on development of 3D website using Blender animations without Three.js.
Using Blender 3D for creating layouts and 3D animation and create website with it. With more number of 3D assets in websites and more 3D website it is required to use applications like Blender for design and testing of websites and UI UX. Portfolio website development made so much easy.

Git Hub link → https://github.com/designcourse/html5-video-scroll

Video Scroll Tutorials
DesignCourse → https://youtu.be/HiegEfkenXA
Dev Ed → https://youtu.be/wLUJ9VNzZXo
iEatWebsites → https://youtu.be/4OcAAj8aqS8

Get Started with Blender 3D
Blender Guru → https://youtu.be/TPrnSACiTJ4
CrossMind Studio → https://youtu.be/At9qW8ivJ4Q

Get Started with Three.js
Three.js website - https://threejs.org/
Bruno Simon → https://threejs-journey.xyz/
Yuri Artyukh → https://www.youtube.com/user/flintyara
Fireship → https://youtu.be/Q7AOvWpIVHU

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