
3 Tips for make your Design clean #ui #ux Design

How to make your design very clean and attractive?

#uidesign #uxdesign #design

These are some useful tips that I use to improve my UI.
So follow these tricks and tips.

✅ Font Family
Always use only one font for each application. I always use one font and use different styles of that font like regular, bold, italic, and so on. it is very helpful to make an awesome and clean look for your UI.

✅ White Space
Some people don't care about white space but you have to. white space means spacing you have to maintain spacing in your whole application it will give you a cinematic look of your application.

✅ Color Pallete
I don't know how people can use lots of colors in one application. I just use only 2 colors in my application it will definitely give you a professional look at your application.

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