
3 Tips For Getting Web Development Clients on Linkedin

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LinkedIn is a great place to find web development clients. In case you've been under a rock somewhere, LinkedIn is a social networking site filled with CEO's and key decision makers. Exactly the kind of prospects you want to get your web development services in front of.

The first step to using LinkedIn to find clients is to signup and create a profile. You want to fill out your profile completely. You'll be 40 times more likely to be found in a LinkedIn search simply by taking the time to do that; according to Linkedin.

Find ways to showcase your value on your profile. Use a benefit driven headline that speaks to your ideal prospect. For example, instead of saying something like, "Web Developer For Hire". Say something like, "Web Developer Specializing in Websites That Convert". Do you see the difference? The first headline says, "Give me money". The second one says, let me help you get money.

Once you have a profile. You want to start publishing useful content that appeals to your target audience. You don't just want to show up pitching your web development services without first delivering value. If you deliver value first, not only will people start to know, like, and trust you, but they will get an idea of the type of value you will deliver if they become a client.

Linkedin is the sweet spot for connecting with millions of business owners and professionals who are likely to need your services at some point, and you want to get in front of them before they actually need you by producing valuable content that speaks to their needs and desires. That way, when they are in the market for a web developer, they think of you.

Linkedin is said to be nearly 3 times more effective than Twitter or Facebook, so it makes sense to put some time and attention into marketing your web design and development services by putting out content that speaks to your prospective clients. Videos are especially engaging. If you don't have the time, creativity, technical skills, or desire to produce video content, consider using a service like Client Go-Getter.
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