
10 tips for good UX web design (Tips & Tricks) - WEB - #Shorts

10 tips for good UX web design
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1. Clean and visually appealing layout and clear navigation system
2. Fast loading speeds
3. Responsive design that works well on mobile devices
4. Engaging and relevant content
5. Clear and concise call to action
6. Easy and convenient forms for user input
7. Social proof, such as customer reviews or testimonials
8. Personalisation options, such as recommending products or content based on user preferences
9. Search function that allows users to easily find what they are looking for
10. Transparent information about the company, privacy and cookie policies to protect user data.
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#website #websitedesign #ux

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10 tips for UX web design / Top 10 tips for UX design / Top 10 UI & UX Tips Every Design Pro Should Know / 10 Tips to Improve Your Website's User Experience / UX tips you need to know
Web design
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